Statement of Texas Residency

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Rule 21.25 requires each student applying to enroll at an institution to respond to a set of core residency questions for the purpose of determining the student’s eligibility for classification as a Texas resident. If HSU requires a Statement of Texas Residency from you, it will be found in the “Complete Required Documents” section of Self-Service for Financial Aid. Click “Resolve Here” next to the Texas Residency Affirmation task and you will be asked to create a CampusLogic account to complete the form. If you already have a CampusLogic account, you will login using your HSU username and password. You can access CampusLogic directly by using this link:

Be sure to read the instructions on the form for each section carefully. Refer to this page or contact the Financial Aid Office if you have any questions or issues!

First, provide your First & Last name, HSU ID#, and Date of Birth. Move on to Section I.

Section I. Type of Student – There are 3 groups of boxes here. Check one box from each group of questions that best applies to you. Move to Section II.

*NOTE: If you select that you or your parent are currently U.S. Military and Texas is your home of record, you will need to submit a Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) showing a Texas address. If you do not have an LES, then please select “I have or will have lived in Texas for the previous 12 months prior to starting my first semester at HSU” OR “I have not or will not have lived in Texas for the previous 12 months prior to starting my first semester at HSU” depending on how long you’ve lived in Texas the last 12 months.

Section II. Pathways to Residency – There are only 3 pathways for which you may declare Texas Residency. Read each pathway carefully before making your selection. Once you have made you selection, be sure to complete all additional information requested. Move to Section III.

Select one of the 3 pathways in which you are declaring Texas residency. Start by looking at the first pathway. If this one applies to you, select that one and fill out in the high school/GED information requested and move on the Section III. If pathway 1 does not apply to you skip to pathway 2. Select this one if it applies to you, provide the requested transfer information then move on to Section III. If pathways 1 and 2 both do not apply to you, please select the Supporting Documentation Pathway. The Financial Aid Office will be in touch with you regarding what you need to provide.

*NOTE: If you graduated from homeschool in Texas AND lived in Texas for 36 consecutive months prior to graduating high school, then you can select the first pathway for residency under Section II. Be sure to say you were homeschooled and provide the City and State on the line that asks for the school’s name/location.

Section III. Selective Service Registration Statement – Select only one box that accurately reflects your Selective Service Registration Status. All students must sign their name on the signature line under Section III regardless of their answer to the selective service statement. * You can sign your name on this form several ways:

  • Open the PDF in Adobe or another PDF editor and use the e-signature tool.
  • Print it out, sign it, then scan it using your smartphone or printer/scanner and reupload it to CampusLogic. If you have an iPhone, you can scan it using your “Notes” app.
  • If you print it out to sign, but can’t upload the form into CampusLogic, you can bring it by the Financial Aid Office, and we can scan it for you. We are located on the 2nd floor of Sandefer Memorial and are open 8am-5pm Monday-Friday.
  • If you print it out to sign, but can’t upload the form into CampusLogic, you may take a photo of both pages of the form and upload them as a photo.
  • You may use a pencil/pen tool on your computer or smartphone to sign your name.
  • You may screenshot the form and fill it out with a pencil/pen tool and upload both pages photos.

*Please note, all males over 18 must be registered or exempt from registration for the Selective Service to receive any financial aid from the State of Texas.

Section IV. Certification of Residency and Selective Service Statement – Read each certification statement and check the box under each one.

Once you have completed all sections of the form, including your signature, you can upload your form for review. To upload the requested documentation, you will need to save a copy of the document and upload it into the CampusLogic application. You can do this by creating a scanned image of your document or taking a clear digital photo. After you have uploaded your document, you can review it to make sure the image is clear for submission to the Financial Aid Office. You will have the options to delete uploaded files or add more pages if necessary.

If your document is rejected, you will be notified via text & email. You will be able to see the reason your form was rejected in a red box under the upload button on the task.

Documents can be rejected for any of the following reasons:

  • Missing Signature
  • Not all required information is filled in
  • The document uploaded is not the required document
  • Document is incomplete (requires additional pages)
  • Document image is blurry, too small, cut off, etc.
  • Document uploaded is blank
  • Other (reason specified in rejection box)

Selective Service registration is required by federal law for all males ages 18-25 within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Although registration is no longer required for federal financial aid, the State of Texas does require students to file a Selective Service Registration Status to determine eligibility for State financial aid.

All males over the age of 18 must be registered for the Selective Service or otherwise exempt to receive financial aid from the State of Texas. Most males register when they renew their driver’s license when they turn 18, so you may be registered already. You can use the links below to verify your registration status or to register:

Males who indicate they are over 18 and not registered for the selective service will have their forms denied. We advise all males to verify their status before checking this option.

Who needs to register:

Reason Do I need to register?
I was born female No
I was born male and currently under the age of 18 Not yet. You must register 30 days after turning 18.
I was born male and am between the ages of 18-26 Yes
I was born male and transitioned to female Yes
I was born female and transitioned to male No
I was born male and am between the ages of 18-26 but am not a US citizen Yes, all male permanent residents, undocumented immigrants, refugees, etc. must register.
I was born male but did not move to the USA until after my 26th birthday No, letter of exemption can be provided by
I was born male and between the ages of 18-26 but war is against my morals/religion Yes. If a draft ever occurs, you can file for an exemption based on religious/moral objection but still need to register.
I was born male but have a disability Yes, unless you fit one of the two categories below. The only disabilities that exempt one that would be otherwise required to register are as follows:

  1. A man is placed in a hospital, nursing home, long term care facility, or mental institution on OR before his 18th birthday, had no breaks of institutionalization of 30 days or longer, and remained institutionalized until his 26th birthday.
  2. He is confined to home, whether his own or someone else’s, on OR before his 18th birthday and cannot leave the home without medical assistance (ex. Nurse, ambulance or EMT), and remained homebound until his 26th birthday.

Documentation to Support Claim of Establishing and Maintaining Domicile in Texas

If you selected the supporting documentation pathway under Section II of the Texas Residency form, then you will need to select one item each from Section A and one from Section B to submit to the Financial Aid office (see contact info at bottom of page or deliver in person). Supporting documentation will be requested through upon review of your Texas Residency Form where you may upload documentation securely.

NOTE: Supporting Documents will serve as proof that:

1) the person or the dependent student’s parent established domicile in Texas, and

2) the person or the dependent student’s parent has maintained domicile in Texas continuously for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls.

SECTION A – Documents that may Support the Establishment of Domicile in Texas and Maintenance of Domicile in Texas


  • An employer’s statement of dates of employment in Texas (beginning and current or ending dates) that encompass at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls. However, employment conditioned on student status, such as work study, the receipt of stipends, fellowships, or research or teaching assistantships does not constitute gainful employment.
  • Other documents that show the person or the dependent’s parent, for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls:
      1. has been engaged in employment intended to provide an income to the person or allow the person to avoid the expense of paying another to perform tasks (as in childcare) that is sufficient to provide at least one-half of the individual’s tuition and living expenses or represents an average of at least 20 hours per week; or
      2. is self-employed in Texas or is living off his/her earnings; or
      3. is primarily supported by public assistance in Texas.
      4. for a person living on public assistance, written statements from the office of one or more social service agencies located in Texas that attest to the provision of services to the person for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls.


Title to residential real property in Texas with documentation to verify 12 consecutive months of ownership immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls, such as a Warranty Deed, with the person or the dependent’s parent having established and maintained domicile at that residence.


Marriage Certificate or Declaration of Registration of Informal Marriage with documentation Adopted January 2012 to support that spouse has established and maintained domicile in Texas for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls


Documents that evidence the organization of the business in Texas that reflect the ownership interest of the person or dependent’s parent, and the customary management of the business by the person or dependent’s parent without the intention of liquidation for the foreseeable future.

*NOTE: a Tax form (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ) may also be used to supplement paystubs or show wages earned while residing in Texas for at least 12 months. If you provide only a Tax Form (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ) you will need to provide at 2-3 Tax Forms from different years that show income made in Texas spanning 12 months prior to your first semester at HSU. Also, if you are a member of the military, you may submit a Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) showing a Texas address.

SECTION B – Documents that May Provide Support to a Claim of Residence in Texas for the 12 Consecutive Months Immediately Preceding the Census Date of the Term in which the Person Enrolls

  1. Utility bills for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date;
  2. A Texas high school transcript showing full senior year immediately preceding the census date;
  3. A transcript from a Texas institution showing presence in Texas for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date;
  4. A Texas driver’s license or Texas ID card that has not expired and, if it reflects an origination date, shows an origination date at least 12 months prior to the census date;
  5. Cancelled checks that reflect a Texas residence for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date;
  6. A current credit report that documents the length and place of residence of the person or the dependent’s parent to be in Texas and the length of residence to be at least 12 consecutive months preceding the census date.
  7. Texas voter registration card that was issued at least 12 months prior to the census date.
  8. Pay stubs for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date, reflecting significant gainful employment in Texas;
  9. Bank statements reflecting a Texas address for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date;
  10. Written statements from the office of one or more social service agencies, attesting to the provision of services for at least the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date.
  11. Lease or rental of residential real property in the name of the person or the dependent student’s parent for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date.

For any questions or issues please contact the HSU Financial Aid Office:


Phone: (325)-670-1050

Office hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday- Friday. Located on the 2nd Floor of Sandefer Memorial.

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